2012 m. rugsėjo 24 d., pirmadienis

Psychology studies in Mykolas Romeris university and Oxford university

Today I would like to compare psychology studies in Mykolas Romeris University  and Oxford University. How You know, psychology is the science of mind and behavior. So, it‘s important to choose right university.
First of all, I want to introduce with the purposes of the programs. The main purpose of Mykolas Romeris university undergraduate studies is to educate qualified bachelor degree students of psychology ready to continue master degree studies in psychology or other social sciences. Bachelors of psychology should be able to apply psychological knowledge in scientific and ethical way in different circumstances; they should have wide erudition, high psychological culture and a need for permanent professional development. Undergraduate psychology at Oxford is taught as a scientific discipline, involving substantial amounts of practical work and experimentation. The course concentrates on biological, human experimental, social and developmental psychology. The most important thing in the program is teaching and learning methods. It contains of lectures, Problem solving method, Graphical visualization, E-learning, Group learning, Independent work. The basic difference between universities is  length of programs. Studies last 3,5 years in Mykolas Romeris university, but it lasts 3 years in Oxford university. Also Oxford has 102 libraries, MRU has only 3 libraries, but the cost of studying at Oxford is £3,500 in year. It costs 5220 litas in MRU . Bachelor degree in Psychology in Mykolas Romeris university is a prerequisite for the graduate programs in different sub-specialities of this field, as well as professional psychologist or research and teaching career. Students can also choose graduate programmes in other fields such as human resource management, social work, education, media and advertising, or healthcare. Career opportunities after getting bachelor degree in Oxford university are similar to MRU .Students can gain a Master’s degree in Oxford University. There are many various programmes like Social, Cognitive, Clinical and others psychologies .
 In conclusion, I want to explain why I had chosen Mykolas Romeris university. One of the reasons is that it’s very modern place and I can easily work at computer. Another reason is that I wanted to live in Vilnius and the last reason is that MRU does not avoid innovations.

References: http://www.mruni.eu/en/university/